Our employees
Teaching Staff

Sebastian Schipper
Teacher Gaming Active and Sports Extreme Australia
Throughout his upbringing, Sebastian has had a passionate relationship with gaming, in addition to his interest in the outdoors.
He is a trained nature guide and has great expertise in outdoor life and many of the activities that the SEA line has on its schedule. In addition, he is an active fellow with a lot of varied experience; winter expeditions on Hardangervidda, diving, mountain biking, glacier instructor and glacier guide - to name a few.

Ørjan Hillmo Øveraas
Teacher Sports Extreme Australia
Ørjan has a background as a trained lecturer in physical education and sports science, and has worked for 5 years at upper secondary school before starting at Bakketun in 2019.
Boarding and skiing, trail cycling, climbing and ball games are something Ørjan always finds time for. He is motivated by seeing young people flourish and develop through varied and challenging activities, and he attaches great importance to creating an inclusive environment where everyone can explore and test their own limits.
Email: orjano_overaas@hotmail.com

Victor Nordvoll Axelsson
Teacher VanLife
Victor is our newly hired teacher on the VanLife line. He is trained as a child and youth worker in Sweden, as well as completed education in folk high school pedagogy in the spring of 2022. Otherwise, he has instructor courses and experience in alpine skiing and snowboarding.
Victor has a great interest in sustainability and finding solutions that can contribute to us making good use of the resources we have, and the scheme at VanLife will be able to challenge the handyman gene to the fullest 🙂
In addition to VanLife, he also teaches on other lines, in joint subjects and elective subjects.

Johanne Ottilie Espe
Teacher Challenge Explore
Johanne is a dedicated supporter of the folk university as a learning arena, where the student's motivation and area of interest are in focus, and you get the chance to try your hand at subjects without exams or grades.
She is a qualified lecturer with a master's degree in cultural meetings, with partial studies from Bolivia, India and Germany. She has a lot of experience from voluntary work and is concerned with what is going on in society. In her spare time, she spends a lot of time out in nature here in Trøndelag, and looks forward to sharing her joy of hiking and commitment with the students.

Ann Sissel Vehus
Inspector/boarding manager, teacher Outdoor life – fjord and mountains
Ann Sissel wants the students to thrive and develop at Bakketun Folkehøgskole.
She has been a teacher at the school since 1987 and has a subject teacher training in science with mathematics, as well as a major in physical education.
In addition to her role as a teacher, Ann Sissel has been a boarding school leader since 2011. She enjoys being in motion, whether on trips or during training, and appreciates being active both physically and mentally.
Email: annsissel@bakketun.fhs.no

Ingvild Byre Guddingsmo
Teacher Arts and crafts
Ingvild is passionate about pupils experiencing mastery and pride in their work, while at the same time giving them the confidence to challenge their own limits.
She has an education as a subject teacher in arts and crafts with a specialization in clay, as well as a two-year art school. Ingvild teaches widely within the craft subject, and is known for covering a varied spectrum of materials and techniques.
Ingvild also teaches various elective subjects at the school.
Email: ingvild@bakketun.fhs.no

Annette Lyngstad Skavhaug
Teacher Teater og Scenekunst, Scene Studio Turné
Annette is a teacher on the Scene Studio Tourné line, especially in the field of theater and acting.
She has previously both attended and been a scholarship holder at the school and on the line, and knows the everyday life of folk high schools well. She has a pedagogical education and is now studying at Nord University in addition to working at the school.

Erling Helland
Principal, teacher Musikk og Lydproduksjon, Scene Studio Turné
Erling feels that everyday life at the folk college gives young people wonderful opportunities to develop as individuals in several areas, and he wants to contribute to this goal.
He is a qualified general teacher (adjunct professor) with a focus on music and history. Erling also has further education in music technology, music production and personnel and management subjects.
Erling teaches music and sound and music production at Scene Studio Turnè.
Phone: 90 84 06 32
Email: rektor@bakketun.fhs.no
Johannes Ryen
Johannes is one of our student employees, who often visits as a supervisor. He has previously both attended folk high school, and knows the everyday life of folk high schools well.

Synne-Elise Nybakken
Synne-Elise is one of our student employees, who often visits as a supervisor. She has previously both attended and been a scholar at a folk college, and knows everyday life at a folk college well.
Boarding school, kitchen, caretaker (IKV)

Sive Kristin Nilsen Vestre
Kitchen manager/cleaning manager
I am passionate about cooking from scratch and contributing to a healthy diet with fruit and vegetables.
Has worked for a long time as a cook, both at folk high school, several restaurants and in the Armed Forces. Has studied nutrition and worked as a nutritionist at a weight clinic.
Tel: 74 04 91 42
E-mail: catering@bakketun.fhs.no

May-Irene Clausen
Mai-Iren is our chef, and one of the people behind all the good food that our kitchen serves. Happy to cook from scratch, and has previously worked in the armed forces, in hospitals and 12 years in the hotel and restaurant industry.
Tel: 74 04 91 42
E-mail: catering@bakketun.fhs.no

Jolita Barzdaite
Jolita is one of our skilled and important employees in the kitchen and boarding school!
Tel: 74 04 91 42
E-mail: catering@bakketun.fhs.no

Heidi Overrein
Heidi is one of our skilled and important employees in the kitchen and boarding school!
Tel: 74 04 91 42
E-mail: catering@bakketun.fhs.no

Ma Cecille Bernardo Gamboa
Cecille is one of our skilled and important employees in the kitchen and boarding school!
Tel: 74 04 91 42
E-mail: catering@bakketun.fhs.no

Gerard Louis
Gerard is perhaps the most indispensable person in the house. He can fix most things and meets us all with the attitude: What can I help you with!
Tel: 74 04 91 00
E-mail: vaktemester@bakketun.fhs.no

Erling Helland
Principal, teacher Scene Studio Tour - Sound and Music Production and Music
I find that everyday life at folk college provides great opportunities for young people to grow as a person in many ways. I want to contribute to that!
Qualified general teacher (adjunct professor), emphasis on music and history. Further education in music technology, music production and personnel and management
Also teaches in the subjects of music and sound/music production.
Tel: 90 84 06 32
E-mail: rektor@bakketun.fhs.no

Ann Sissel Vehus
Inspector/boarding manager, teacher Friluftsliv Basic
My wish is for the students to thrive at Bakketun and flourish.
Has worked as a teacher at Bakketun fhs since 1987. Has teacher training in science with mathematics and sports, and physical education major.
In addition, I have been a boarding school leader since 2011. I like to be in motion on trips or in training.
Tel: 74 04 91 00
Email: annsissel@bakketun.fhs.no
Row Malmo
Finance manager
Roar is happy to help and answer questions about finances. Otherwise, Roar is a committed man in many areas, who quickly contributes to things happening around him.
Tel: 74 04 91 00
E-mail: okonomi@bakketun.fhs.no

Eleanor Hermann
Social worker/office
Ellinor has a big and warm heart for pupils and staff! This is the cheerful person you meet when you call the school. She can answer anything you might wonder about, or knows who is where at all times. And as a social teacher, she is good at finding solutions when something or someone gets stuck.. Ellinor loves to go skiing and in the mountains.
Tel: 74 04 91 00
Email: adm@bakketun.fhs.no