Which line do you want to go?

Sports Extreme Australia
Australia & Thailand

Challenge Explore
Australia & Asia

Gaming Active
16 års grense

VanLife Interrail
Road trip & Interrail

Content production Social Media
London & New York

Arts and crafts
Marokko & New York
16 års grense

Teater og scenekunst
London & New York
16 års grense

Musikk og lydproduksjon
London & New York
16 års grense

Norway – language, culture and travel
International Course – Norway
Livet på Bakketun
Hverdagen på Bakketun handler om mye mer enn bare linjefag og undervisning! Her venter alt fra temakvelder med kostymer og konkurranser til stemningsfulle stunder rundt bålet med musikk og gode samtaler. Du kan bli med på små og store eventyr utenfor skolen eller nyte rolige kvelder med film og venner i peisestua.
This is how you live at Bakketun
På Bakketun har vi tre koselige internater, som igjen er delt opp i mindre boenheter med egen stue og oppholsrom.

Elective subjects

Project subjects

Common subjects
How do you live?
As a student, you live in the school's boarding school and receive all meals at the school. You live in housing units together with 8 - 12 other students. Together you are responsible for a good housing association. The school has different types of rooms (single room, double room, shared bathroom/toilet in the hallway or bathroom/toilet in the room).
Everyday life at Bakketun
Everyday school life consists of mainstream subjects, joint subjects, elective subjects and project subjects. In addition, there is all the social work we do at school. There can be afternoons with activities in the gymnasium, themed evenings in music, film and culture, activities linked to our aid projects, voluntary Christian gatherings or class entertainment evenings and much more. In your free time, there are great opportunities for community. Here, it is usually easy to find someone to talk to and come up with cool things with.
Read more about life at folkehøgskole here
Common subjects
We have about 13 hours of joint subjects during a week. These subjects provide important general knowledge, and form part of the school's objectives in a natural and good way.
Elective subjects
We have 3-4 hours of elective subjects per week. Here you can choose between a number of exciting activities - you can build on your major, or try your hand at completely new areas. The choice is yours!
Maybe you want to try your hand at snowboarding, dog sledding, climbing or horse riding. Or learn to crochet, paint or make your own leather jacket. Do you have a dream of trying your hand as an actor or playing in a band? You can test this through electives!
See all the electives we offer here.
You choose elective subjects when you come to school. These are courses that take place over shorter periods at a time (3-4 weeks), so that you have many choices and breadth in subject areas.
Project subjects
During the year, you choose from among 6 different project subjects, with teaching and working hours for approx. 4 weeks divided into 3 periods in the school year. This gives you the opportunity to focus on your own interests, such as developing ideas, preparing for subjects or exploring future careers.
Line tours
Joint trip for the whole school: Spain and Gibraltar
Sport Extreme Australia: Australia and Thailand
Challenge Explore: Australia and Asia
Gaming Active: Australia
VanLife Interrail: Roadtrip i Norden og Interrail til Italia
Content production social media: London and New York
Crafts: Marokko og New York
Teater og Scenekunst: London and New York
Musikk og Lydproduksjon: London and New York
Norway – language, culture and travel: Norway
The trips are included in the school fees, which means that only pocket money is added.
Read more about the line trips
Half-year course
We offer half-yearly courses on some of our lines in the spring semester.
Read more about the half-year course
The school
Bakketun Folkehøgskole is a Christian folk high school located in Verdal, Nord-Trøndelag. That it is a Christian community college does not mean that all students are Christians, but you will meet staff who have a Christian faith.
Bakketun is a homely school with a focus on security, generosity and joy of life.
What does a year cost?
How much a year at Folke høgskole costs depends on which line and room type you choose.
Below you see prices for one academic year based on a double room without toilet/bathroom, Inkluderer alt av obligatorisk opplegg, fellestur, linjeturer, kost og losji.
Sport Extreme Australia: 164 080,-
Challenge Explore: 157 480,-
Gaming Active: 154 180,-
VanLife Interrail: 158 580,
Content production social media: 138 780,-
Crafts: 142 520,-
Teater og Scenekunst: 138 780,-
Musikk og Lydproduksjon: 138 780,-
Norway – language, culture and travel: 140 980,-
read more about our prices.
Du kan få støtte fra Lånekassen når du går på folkehøgskole. For skoleåret 2025/2026 kan du få utbetalt kr 151 690,- fra Lånekassen i lån og stipend.
This is how you apply
Here you can apply at Bakketun Folkehøgskole.
No application deadline
Folkehøgskolen has no application deadline - but it is advisable to apply as early as possible, as the lines can be full. You will receive the answer to your application within a couple of days.
Age limit
Basically, we have an 18-year age limit at school, but we may have some exceptions (contact the school).
Do you have questions about the bus or the school?
Erling Helland (principal): rektor@bakketun.fhs.no
School administration: 74 04 91 00 / adm@bakketun.fhs.no