



Student convention 2024

Friday 09 to Sunday 11 August 2024

Dear former students!

Friday 9 to Sunday 11 August 2024 we invite you again to a student meeting at Bakketun. This means that those of you who are celebrating your 10th, 20th, 25th, 30th, 40th, 50th, 55th, 60th and 70th birthdays are specially invited.

The scheme starts with the possibility of supper on Friday evening. The main program is Saturday, with morning assembly, theme class, group-wise assemblies, student evening and many good meals together. On Sunday, there will be an opportunity for morning prayer, a good snack and participation in a church service in Verdal. The meeting ended with lunch/church coffee after the service.

A more complete program for the weekend and registration information will follow. But feel free to take the weekend off!

A warm welcome to an opportunity to look back on your folk high school year together with others you went with!

The complete invitation with program and prices can be found here:

Invitation student convention 2024


Erling Helland

- headmaster -